Game Zone

Explore our collection of educational games designed to make learning about health and climate interactive and enjoyable. From interactive quizzes to immersive simulations, our games cover a wide range of topics, providing a fun and engaging way to learn about important health and environmental concepts.

two women play health and climate related games

Popular Games


Dr. Quest

Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of healthcare with Dr. Quest
This game is a simulation for what it is like to try to process patients in a hospital while limiting the spread of COVID-19. While it is a highly simplified simulation it does not expose players to blood or graphic content, thus it can be useful for helping kids understand how viruses can spread and overwhelm health systems.

Fight Virus Game

This game is a simulation for what it is like to process patients in a hospital during COVID-19
Doctors attend to a patient in hospital

Hospital Hero

Take on the role of a skilled medical professional navigating the bustling halls of a busy hospital.